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Privacy by design means knowing your data inside and out.

Data discovery and trust, seamlessly combined

TerraTrue’s Data Discovery solution completes your trust-by-design program by seamlessly and securely connecting with your cloud provider, giving you a crystal clear view of what data your business uses, how it’s used, and where it’s stored.

Data discovery

One holistic view of all your data

Automatically update your data map with every privacy review. See every detail of your data landscape, and say goodbye to inconsistent and outdated records.
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A single source of truth

Maintain accurate and up-to-date privacy and security reviews by scanning your existing systems to cross-check data types from past reviews, guaranteeing that they consistently mirror the actual data collection practices. This proactive approach also enables the efficient execution of Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) requests, as it facilitates the rapid identification of data storage locations and expedites locating and deleting data when needed.
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No more surprises

New privacy and security reviews are promptly generated in response to changes in your data map, ensuring you’re never caught off guard and nothing slips through the cracks. These reviews are particularly crucial when data is discovered in a new location as they allow for a swift verification of the use case and data collection methodology while ensuring that deletion policies are strictly adhered to.

Painless onboarding

We’ll work with you to connect your systems to TerraTrue, fill in past information with a gap analysis, and input your historical data so you can be up and running in no time.

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