It's been a year since we launched The Privacy Beat! We've talked about the influx of state privacy laws, why it can feel difficult to break into the privacy industry, and the future of behavioral advertising in a world putting the squeeze on targeting.
To celebrate the podcast's one-year anniversary, here are our top 5 most downloaded episodes from the last 12 months.

Personalized ads: 'We'll survive Schrems, damnit!'
The future of personalized ads felt wildly uncertain when the Irish DPC's final decision on the Meta case came down. The decision sent Privacy Twitter into a frenzy over the implications: You can't bundle personalized ads into the contract for the service itself, the DPC said. At the same time, the EU and U.S. are still trying to shake hands on a new data-transfer agreement. Luckily, Phil Lee is a master of both topics, and he's here to talk you off the ledge.
Featured Guests:

Phil Lee
Managing directorDigiphile

WELP, that was 2022, I guess
In this free-ranging episode, host Angelique Carson chats with longtime pals Gabe Maldoff, privacy attorney at Goodwin Procter, and Cobun Zweifel-Keegan, IAPP's managing DC director, about the big privacy news in 2022. There's lots of talk about CPRA, the Sephora case, California's need to constantly pass laws, and why Gabe hates cruises.
Featured Guests:

Cobun Zweifel-Keegan
DC Manager DirectorIAPP

Gabe Maldoff

The states are dropping privacy bills like they're hot: Here's a debrief
It's only January, and already U.S. states have introduced eight comprehensive privacy bills (and counting). In this episode, Future of Privacy Forum's Keir Lamont and Husch Blackwell's David Stauss talk about trends in each bill and what we should expect in 2023.
Featured Guests:

David Stauss
Privacy AttorneyHusch Blackwell

Keir Lamont
Director of U.S. legislationFuture of Privacy Forum

Privacy’s hiring. Getting a gig is hard. Why?
By now it’s not really a secret that privacy’s got a hiring problem. Recruiters and managers want “years” of GDPR experience, but then complain they can’t find “qualified” candidates. Meanwhile, talented peeps are searching for gigs. So what’s the deal? In this podcast, Angelique Carson talks to Asana’s Sherry Truong, VF Corporation’s Ryan Russell, and Cleo Li about what hiring managers are missing, and what job candidates can do to optimize their chances for success in privacy.
Featured Guests:

Sherry Truong
Privacy CounselAsana

Ryan Torrey
CounselVF Corporation

Cleo Li
CA Deputy AG Stacey Schesser on enforcing America’s flagship privacy law
In this interview (part 1 of 2), host Angelique Carson chats with California Deputy Attorney General Stacey Schesser on how everything changed with the CCPA. Schesser talks about the agency's recent Sephora enforcement action, Global Privacy Controls, and how she'll work with the newly-established CPPA. It's a Privacy Geek's buffet, if you will.
Featured Guests:

Stacey Schesser
Supervising DeputyAttorney GeneralCalifornia Department of Justice